凌辱人妻温泉-淫声 建议保藏!论文创作中最佳用的50个Kimi请示词
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淫声 建议保藏!论文创作中最佳用的50个Kimi请示词
发布日期:2025-01-12 10:19     点击次数:164

淫声 建议保藏!论文创作中最佳用的50个Kimi请示词



论文选题文件综述选录论文撰写论文修改润色援用和参考文件01 论文选题题目正常性评估:“请帮我评估这个题看法商议边界是否过宽,是否需要愈加具体化。”'Please help me assess if the scope of this topic is too broad and needs to be more specific.'题目专有性探讨:“请分析这个题目与现存商议题看法互异,是否具有专有性。”'Please analyze the differences between this topic and existing research topics to determine if it has uniqueness.'关节词的适合性:“请帮我详情论文题目中的关节词是否准确面容了商议的中枢内容。”'Please help me determine if the keywords in the thesis title accurately describe the core content of the research.'题看法商议后劲:“请分析这个题看法永恒商议后劲,改日是否有膨胀的可能性。”'Please analyze the long-term research potential of this topic and if there is a possibility for future expansion.'题看法本色诈欺价值:“请评估这个题看法本色诈欺价值,是否能惩处具体的本色问题。”'Please evaluate the practical application value of this topic and whether it can solve specific practical problems.'商议资源的可用性:“请帮我查抄进行这项商议所需的资源和数据是否容易赢得。”'Please help me check whether the resources and data needed for this research are easily accessible.'商议影响的揣摸:“请评估这个商议题目完成后可能对学术界或本色诈欺产生的影响。”'Please evaluate the potential impact of this research topic on academia or practical applications after completion.'题看法针对性:“请帮我确保题目针对性强,粗略明确指向我但愿惩处的问题。”'Please help me ensure that the topic is targeted and clearly points to the problem I want to solve.'题看法适合性:“请查抄这个题目是否适合我的学术布景和商议风趣风趣。”'Please check whether this topic is in line with my academic background and research interests.'商议假定的酿成:“请帮我基于题目构建初步的商议假定,查抄假定的合感性。”'Please help me formulate preliminary research hypotheses based on the topic and check their validity.'

02 文件综述


'Please help me confirm whether the literature review covers all relevant research areas.'


'Please help me identify key papers in this research field and analyze their contributions.'


'Please check if the literature I cited is within the last five years to ensure the timeliness of the information.'


'Please help me construct a theoretical framework suitable for my research and explain the applicability of each theory.'


'Please help me compare and contrast the views and methods in the main literature to identify their differences and similarities.'


'Please help me identify areas or issues that have not been fully explored in existing research.'


'Please help me conduct a critical analysis of the literature, assessing limitations and biases in the studies.'


'Please help me check if the cited literature is directly relevant to my research question and arguments.'


'Please help me analyze how theoretical research is linked to practical applications.'


'Please guide me on how to write a review article summarizing the main research findings based on the existing literature.'

03 选录

选录的无缺性:“请帮我查抄选录是否包含了商议的看法、门径、主要竣事和论断。”'Please help me check if the abstract includes the purpose of the research, methods, main results, and conclusions.'选录的精确性:“请帮我确保选录中的信息准确无误,与全文内容统斡旋致。”'Please ensure that the information in the abstract is accurate and completely consistent with the full text.'选录的简陋性:“请帮我优化选录的翰墨,确保谈话简陋、胜仗,幸免冗余。”'Please help me optimize the wording of the abstract to ensure the language is concise, direct, and free of redundancy.'关节词的聘用:“请帮我聘用合适的关节词,确保粗略准确反应商议的中枢主题。”'Please help me select appropriate keywords to accurately reflect the core themes of the research.'选录的引诱力:“请帮我增强选录的引诱力,确保第一句话粗略引诱指标读者的精采。”'Please help me enhance the appeal of the abstract to ensure that the first sentence attracts the attention of the target readers.'选录的逻辑流:“请帮我查抄选录的逻辑流是否顺畅,各部分是否逻辑连贯。”'Please help me check if the logical flow of the abstract is smooth and if each part is logically coherent.'选录的客不雅性:“请帮我保合手选录的客不雅性,幸免使用主不雅或评价性谈话。”'Please help me maintain the objectivity of the abstract and avoid using subjective or evaluative language.'选录中的数传说起:“请帮我详情选录中是否需要包含主要的定量数据和商议竣事。”'Please help me determine if the abstract should include the main quantitative data and research results.'选录的局势:“请帮我查抄选录是否适合期刊或会议的局势条件。”'Please help me check if the abstract conforms to the formatting requirements of the journal or conference.'选录的谈话:“请帮我确保选录使用的是明晰、专科的学术谈话。”'Please ensure that the abstract uses clear, professional academic language.'

04 论文撰写


'Please analyze if the structure of my paper is reasonable and if each section is logically coherent.'


'Please help me check if my arguments are logically rigorous and if the evidence sufficiently supports the conclusions.'


'Please evaluate whether the data analysis methods I used are appropriate and the results are reliable.'


'Please help me analyze whether the research results meet expectations and if there are any anomalies that require additional explanation.'


'Please identify any parts of the paper where the language is unclear or inaccurate, and provide suggestions for improvement.'


'Please check if my paper has any grammatical errors and if it follows the norms of academic writing.'


'Please confirm that the professional terminology used in the paper is consistent and appropriate for the research field.'


'Please assess and suggest how to improve the style of the article to better meet the requirements of academic journals.'


'Please help me evaluate whether the figures and tables effectively convey the data information and if they need optimization.'


'Please help me check if the conclusion section fully reflects the research results and the significance of the study.'

05 论文修改润色

精确性查抄:“请查抄论文中的数据和援用是否齐是精确无误。”'Please check if all data and citations in the paper are accurate.'一致性审查:“请帮我阐明论文中的术语、界说和局势是否全文一致。”'Please help me confirm that terms, definitions, and formats are consistent throughout the paper.'摒除冗余:“请帮我识别和去除文中无谓要的类似或冗余内容。”'Please help me identify and remove any unnecessary repetition or redundancy in the text.'明晰性晋升:“请指出哪些部分难以强健或表述不清,并建议编削时势。”'Please point out any parts that are difficult to understand or are unclear, and suggest ways to improve them.'逻辑经由优化:“请评估扫数这个词文档的逻辑经由,忽视增强连贯性的建议。”'Please assess the logical flow of the entire document and suggest ways to enhance coherence.'援用局势门径:“请帮我查抄扫数援用是否适合指定的援用局势。”'Please help me check that all references conform to the specified citation format.'谈话习尚派整:“请帮我退换谈话气派,确保其适合学术认确切写稿条件。”'Please help me adjust the language style to ensure it meets the formal requirements of academic writing.'图表和插图查抄:“请查抄扫数图表和插图是否明晰,况兼与文本内容正确对应。”'Please check if all figures and illustrations are clear and correctly correspond to the text content.'选录和论断一致性:“请确保选录和论断部分精确地反应了论文的主要发现和商议孝敬。”'Please ensure that the abstract and conclusion sections accurately reflect the main findings and contributions of the paper.'最结尾势审查:“请查抄论文的最终排版是否适合提交条件,包括页码、页眉页脚和标题局势。”'Please check if the final formatting of the paper meets submission requirements, including page numbers, headers, footers, and title formats.'

05 援用和参考文件

援用准确性查抄:“请帮我查抄论文中扫数援用的准确性,确保每项援用齐能正确反应撑合手的内容。”'Please help me check the accuracy of all citations in the paper to ensure that each citation correctly reflects the supported content.'援用无缺性审查:“请帮我阐明扫数援用的尊府齐照旧包含在参考文件列表中。”'Please help me confirm that all cited materials are included in the reference list.'参考文件局势门径:“请查抄我的参考文件列表是否适合指定的学术局势,如APA、MLA或Chicago。”'Please check if my reference list conforms to the specified academic format, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago.'援用的时效性评估:“请帮我评估援用的文件是否是面前和最关系的,确保商议的时效性。”'Please help me assess whether the cited literature is current and most relevant to ensure the timeliness of the research.'自援用查抄:“请帮我查抄是否有适合的自援用,以确保商议的谄媚性和发展。”'Please help me check for appropriate self-citations to ensure the continuity and development of the research.'交叉援用考据:“请帮我阐明文中援用的信息与原文档中的信息一致,无诬蔑或歪曲。”'Please help me verify that the information cited in the text is consistent with the information in the original documents, without misunderstanding or distortion.'援用源的可靠性评估:“请评估我所援用的尊府的起原可靠性,是否来自泰斗出书物或大家。”'Please evaluate the reliability of the sources of the materials I cited, whether they come from authoritative publications or experts.'援用散播平衡性:“请帮我分析援用是否在全文中均匀散播,幸免过度集会在某一部分。”'Please help me analyze whether citations are evenly distributed throughout the text to avoid being overly concentrated in any one section.'非文件尊府的援用处理:“请帮我查抄对非文件尊府(如网页、个东谈主通讯)的援用是否适合门径。”'Please help me check if citations of non-literary materials (such as websites, personal communications) are handled properly.'援用计谋建议:“请提供若何灵验地使用援用来撑合手我的论点的建议。”'Please provide suggestions on how to effectively use citations to support my arguments.'









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